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19 Jul 2022 - 11:30, Ulaanbaatar

Fins Brokers organized training webinar on June 30, 2022 on "Handling Multinational Insurance Programs" topic for its treaty reinsurance clients as part of our annual training service for our clients.

Multinational insurance program has its own features in the sense that it is a distinctive form of reinsurance, and with the development of Mongolian economy and the increase in number of branches of multinational companies, it has become interesting topic that insurance companies are paying attention to.

With over 12 years of experience, Fins Brokers aimed to provide practical know-how to successfully overcome the risks and opportunities arising from handling of local accounts.

More than 30 insurance professionals, including reinsurance, risk, underwriting, and product development departments of client insurance companies, as well as insurance managers and compliance officers, joined the webinar virtually.

At Fins Brokers we believe adding value to our clients is one of the most important missions of our business and accordingly we aim to create opportunity and environment to deliver know-how and exchanging ideas, experience amongst insurance professionals in Mongolia.